Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Congress Adjourns With Populist Victories


By Rev. Ted Pike
16 Aug 10

Democrats departed Congress last week empty-handed of passage of two of the highest priority items on the Obama “hate crimes” wish list: The Employment Non-Discrimination Act and repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy towards homosexuals. ENDA would have forced employers to hire and not fire homosexuals, forcing businesses to allow male employees “transitioning” into women access to female restroom facilities. DADT repeal would empower homosexuals in the military to boldly proclaim their sexual orientation and, if “married,” have all the rights and benefits of heterosexual couples.

Liberal Democrats and the homosexual media have been intensely playing the “blame game” for these failures, criticizing prolonged healthcare debate, unfaithful Democrat leadership, lack of spirited homosexual activism, even Republican obstructionism. The truth is that both these bills have been brought forward much too late, much too close to expected voter backlash against Democrats in midterm elections. Put simply, Democrat leadership, fearing judgment in November, is very uncomfortable promoting them at this time.

Even the ever optimistic homosexual defender, Rep. Barney Frank is now apparently silent of hopes for an ENDA vote when Congress reconvenes in September. Sen. Carl Levin however, plans, with other Democrat leaders, for a fast DADT repeal vote in the Senate next month. However, if Democrat leadership could not make priority of such a vote during the last several weeks, it will be even less to its advantage to do so in the fall, with voter revenge only weeks away.

Clearly, unless we see Democrat triumph in November, ENDA is dead. DADT repeal may be dying but could revive.

It is still a good idea to remind your members of Congress not to vote for it. In fact, it may become urgently necessary in mid-September to bombard Congress with objections. NPN will keep you posted.

But for the moment, there can be little doubt that the momentum behind these very aggressive, controversial, pro-homosexual bills has largely declined. If both are vanquished, it will increase to four defeated hate and bias crimes bills inspired by the Anti-Defamation League in this Congress. ADL’s cyber-bullying bill “The Megan Meier Cyber-bullying Prevention Act,” H.R. 6123, was defeated in the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime this spring. It would have made a federal hate criminal of any student, teacher, even parent whose criticism of a homosexual student caused “emotional distress” sufficient to disincline them to attend a student function. ADL’s similar “AWARE Act” (Adolescent Web Awareness Requires Education), H.R. 3630, companion to the cyber-bullying bill, authorized a pervasive, homosexual-friendly educational program in all public schools in America from kindergarten through college. It was defeated at the same hearing.

Despite widespread publicity and analysis by NPN, leadership of the Christian/conservative Right did not alert against these two very dangerous anti-family bills. There was a simple reason: all “cyber-bullying” legislation is so conspicuously generated by ADL that they were afraid to attack the legislative agenda of a venerable Jewish “civil liberties” group and risk being called “anti-Semitic.” The National Prayer Network galvanized heavy calling to House Judiciary Republicans, forewarning and energizing Rep. Louis Gohmert to summon expert witnesses. After hearing their augmentation, even Democrat committee chairman Bobby Scott and ADL's own star witness had to agree that the cyber-bullying bill lacked Constitutional merit (See, Cyberbullying Hearing Goes Badly for Liberals! and Media Mocks Cyberbullying Bill.)

Although the Right suffered crushing defeats by passage of the economic stimulus bill, the healthcare reform bill, and the federal hate crimes bill, the possible defeat of four ADL hate bills should provide renewed optimism and energy to all lovers of freedom. Now more than ever, the familiar defeatist whine that “there is nothing we can do” or that “there’s not a nickel’s worth of difference between the Democrats and Republicans - vote all the bums out!” has become prehistoric. Despite liberals in the Republican Party, the majority of Republicans stood firm against most of the Obama legislative agenda in this Congress. With rare exceptions, all Democrats supported it. Possible defeat of four major hate crimes bills, largely made possible by Republicans, affirms the general advantage of electing Republicans rather than Democrats. It also proves that vigorous use of the legislative process, rejecting fatalism or even violent revolution, is still the best mechanism for political renewal.

Let lovers of freedom pause and savor these victories. Then take revenge where it properly should occur, against Democrats in the polling places in November!

Farah Blasts ADL (Kind Of)


By Rev. Ted Pike
10 Aug 10

As Orthodox rabbis Daniel Lapin and Nachum Shifren testify, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League is in relentless attack against Christian conservatives. ADL attempts to foment persecution of Christians through their “anti-hate” laws and claims that Bible believers are “anti-Semitic”. (See, The ADL vs. Faith and Freedom and Rabbi Lapin: Christians Under 'Relentless Attack' by 'Secular Judaism') WorldNetDaily owner Joseph Farah is increasingly aware of this assault. He recently wrote that ADL is “busy persecuting people like me” who question the legitimacy of the Obama presidency and stand for traditional American values.

Unfortunately, Farah doesn’t defend himself with the whole truth. Instead of exposing Jewish supremacy’s agenda, he seeks to outdo the zeal of the League itself in defaming those who criticize Israel! His recent article claims in effect, “ADL, I’m no threat. I’m even more against anti-Semites than you!”

Farah says ADL should be focusing on the Democrat party, where “anti-Semitic” words about Jewish donor money recently leaked from Rep. Mike McMahon’s office. McMahon implied—as almost everybody on the Hill knows—that massive donations from wealthy Jews guarantee unconditional support of Israel from members of Congress who receive it. (Jews, 2% of the American population, supply 60% of campaign contributions to the Democrat party; 20 to 35 percent of contributions to the Republican party.) (Jewish Power Campaign Contributions, www.occidentaldissent.com)

ADL immediately demanded an apology from McMahon and, as quickly, received it. Yet Farah is disgusted with ADL’s mercy. He would have preferred even more browbeating, forcing McMahon to grovel. Instead of siding with the whole truth, Farah seeks shelter in the unconditional philo-Semitism with which the religious right is so comfortable.

But there is a death trap in such appeasement. If there is growing “anti-Semitism” among Democrats, it comes from mounting and correct moral outrage at Israel’s misbehavior, especially in Gaza. Today, the Zionist lobby must increasingly rely on Republicans and conservatives who will accept Jewish funds in exchange for blind support of Israel. Zionist “hush money” buys favors, protection and endorsement for a foreign power with a sordid history of human rights violations and war crimes. It has flouted international law for more than 60 years and criminalized the very Christian evangelism so important to the religious right.

It borders on treason for any member of our government to allow their foreign policy decisions to be affected by receipt of money from Zionist interests. Such politicians become de facto agents of Israel, violating the 1937 Foreign Agents Registration Act which requires all lobbyists for a foreign power to declare themselves. Tragically, the honorable choice—refusing to receive such contributions and swear implicit fealty to Israel—may incur the anger of many wealthy Jewish donors and the all-powerful lobby. Ex-House members such as Paul Findlay, Pete McClosky, and John Rarrick are victims of such Jewish vengeance.

Yet Farah and so many conservatives—bound by a false interpretation of God’s blessing on the Jews, and a deep fear of their increasing power and vindictiveness—choose appeasement over truth. Instead of criticizing the evils of the lobby and the Jewish state, they rush to be its most zealous defenders.

Farah blusters about McMahon: “Where is the ADL? Where are those supposedly dedicated to fighting anti-Jewish bigotry?” He says “the most vicious forms of anti-Semitism are alive and well in America today inside the Democratic party – inside the hearts and minds like McMahon. It’s disgusting, revolting, insidious… McMahon should be viewed from this day forward as a fringe lunatic unworthy of anyone’s consideration for a return to the House of Representatives…. Meanwhile, I’m putting the ADL on a notice that it had better get its act together.” Farah perfectly agrees with ADL that Jews should be shielded from scrutiny and disclosure in the political process to a degree not afforded others. Farah agrees with ADL thought police that even the mildest “bias” or unflattering truthtelling relative to Jews is very, very bad. Farah’s demand that McMahon be exiled to political oblivion reveals that he considers even-handed criticism of matters Jewish to be on a par with child-molestation.

Will such rabid anti-anti-Semitism shield Farah or other conservatives from the deadly fangs of ADL? No.
Farah is correct that ADL is out to get him—as he said last November, “the ADL is after me and my news organization.”

Despite his record as an inveterate boot-licker of Israel and the Jewish lobby, Farah has mortally offended ADL too many times. For the past five years, he has boldly opposed ADL’s hate crimes laws, publicizing their abuses in Canada and throughout the world. He consistently exposes persecution of Christians in America by Jewish attack groups including the Southern Poverty Law Center and ACLU. He castigates the (largely Jewish-dominated) abortion industry as well as Planned Parenthood. ADL considers this unforgivable; WorldNetDaily must be destroyed. You can be sure the League is already alienating WND advertisers and amassing an extensive dossier of information about Farah.

What can save Farah and other conservatives? Affirmations of support for Israel and Jews, surpassing even ADL in its hate for “anti-Semitism?” Hardly. Farah must do something he has evidently never done before: trust only in God and the whole truth. He must open his mind to the fact that all the greatest Hebrew prophets, including Christ, severely criticized evil Jews and were not anti-Semitic. God delights in those who speak the whole truth, especially to the lost house of Israel. Scripture prophesies the eventual redemption of a repentant Jewish remnant out of unbelieving Jewry. If Farah continues to dishonor God and his readers with half-truths and outright lies, not only ADL will despise him. God will have contempt for him and abandon him to his enemies.

I’m glad Farah wrote his recent article. It is progress since it mentions the terror-inspiring word “ADL” eight times. That’s eight times more than any other conservative leaders have had the nerve to utter it. Maybe soon another leader of the religious right will be encouraged by Farah’s sputtering, misfiring, self-protective article. Maybe he will muster courage to actually aim at the target.